I got an email that said upload has not met our guidelines and has been rejected. I reviewed the guidelines and I'm still not quite sure the reason why.
FUNCTIONALITY: I've had it on my desktop for a full week before I submitted it and it worked fine. So I don't see this as the problem. Well maybe because I used the .ini format instead of the xml-format (which I have no clue how to do)
RIPPING: This one maybe it because I made it to match this suite
Transformers: Decepticons
By SKoriginals . You can see a picture of my Rainy on my page on
my desktop screenshotCOPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK: This may be it also, but I doubt it. I used 12 different Transformers and the decepticon logo, but I've uploaded a boot screen and wmp skin that uses these and that was fine.
ADVERTISEMENT: Nope, none of that anywhere in my skin.
NUDITY AND PORNOGRAPHY: Nope, well the transformers don't wear cloths but you know.
WALLPAPER MODERATION: Doesn't apply (I don't think)
Is there anyway to find out the specific reason(s)
Sorry for the long winded post, I'm still new to all this. And thank you.